Mid way through 2008 I started journaling about this personal pursuit to eat within a 100 mile radius from wherever I might be living or visiting. I started calling it my locavore challenge, though it really has evolved into an ongoing campaign for me.
Here are my top 3 A-ha's:
1. I splurged on decadent items like fresh local eggs when eggs were my star ingredient. Local does taste better and generally, I found the farmer's market to cost less than at my grocery store.
2. I switched to a seasonal diet. Seasonality redefined the way I ate back then and continues to influence my grocery shopping habits today. Obviously I indulge in a few treats and I do enjoy going out to eat, but generally, I try to stick to my rule of selecting ingredients that experience the least amount of travel to me.
3. Most importantly, I am more informed about the what I eat. Today this campaign includes more reading, asking more questions and wrestling with a myriad of federal guidelines, farming practices & the ideals of sustainability.
Looking forward to 2009
My closest friends know that I've struggled with my weight for years now. I think they would agree that this campaign has helped to alleviate some of the "weighty-issues" that have so preoccupied my time. The locavore campaign has brought on a new and holistic self perspective to living, eating and finding real enjoyment from food. I am excited about the new year. My focus is to achieve optimum health through exercise and mindful eating, to practice wellness with family & friends and of course to have more fun too.
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